Tuesday, April 22, 2008

An Inconvenient News Event

The kids from "An Inconvenient Ride" came through Medford on April 19th. What a dynamic and fun group of kids. They're just so into what they're doing, and they really believe in their message.

Speaking with all of them was a bunch of fun. It's really great to see kids taking an interest in something outside their school world, and it's even better to see them taking action. These kids planned, published, and performed this ride. It's a whole lot more than most young folks can say they've done. Way to go!

Unfortunately, even though we sent press releases to KTVL, KDRV, KOBI, the Mail Tribune, and the Daily Tidings, and invitations to Siskiyou Velo, the county commissioners, Jackson County Bicycle Committee, the Mayor and the City Council, only Siskiyou Velo, and KTVL showed up. We did have three members of the Medford Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee there, but you can tell just what this city and county really thinks about the threat of global warming, and bicycling in general, just by their lack of support for such a wonderful event.

In their defense, the weather was unseasonable crappy, with snow flurries and 25-30 mph winds, but none could even find the time to brave a little weather and come out to show their support. Even if you don't believe in global warming, even if you're the biggest H2 driver in the county, you have to admit that high school and elementary school students riding across the country from Washington DC is inspiring in its own right, and it deserves some recognition.

KTVL was there and interviewed Ally Stariha, but unfortunately, she got bumped for the weather. What a shame that even the news stations think a group of singing veterans and a couple of snow flurries rate higher on the interest meter than this incredible group of kids.

At least now we know where the issues stand for Mayor Wheeler and the City Council.