Tuesday, March 18, 2008

An Inconvenient Ride

Project Earth Care, a program in the Seattle school district, is going to be staging a cross-country ride to raise awareness about global warming. The ride is sponsored by Mayor Greg Nickels, and the route has been mainly devised by him to hit cities that have signed on to his Climate Action Now Initiative.

The ride is being called "An Inconvenient Ride." It's starting in Washington DC on March 29th and traveling all the way back to Seattle to arrive there on April 22. Participants will include 4 student bike riders and 4-6 student producers / camera operators.

Now, what does this have to do with bicycle commuting in Medford, Oregon, you ask? The riders will be coming through the Rogue Valley on their way north from California. They will be leaving Scotia, CA on April 19, and heading through Arcata, CA to Ashland, OR. Once they reach Ashland, they'll be heading up Hwy 99 through Talent, Phoenix and Medford to Hwy 238. Then they'll head out to Jacksonville on 238 to Old Stage Road, which they'll take to Hwy 234 and link back up again with 99 to take them to the finish for that day in Grant's Pass.

The Siskiyou Velo club and the Medford Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee will be meeting them on their way through Medford, probably by City Hall.

I'll be posting more details as the days get closer, since I'm working on talking with the organizer to nail down a time. They're traveling 268 miles on the 19th, so we don't want to keep them that long.

Check back for times and locations as they become available.

**If the link for the ride doesn't work, I'm sorry, I've been having trouble with it, too, but I'm going to keep it up in the hopes that it will work again.**